Saturday, March 10, 2012

What truck is nicer in your opinion a 2000 Land Rover discovery or a 2000 lincoln navigator?

Disco has a bad rep for reliability. Navigator is a dressed up excursion, but at least it's built ford tough. I think the Navigator. If you said Range Rover that might be a different story. Or if you are actually going to take it off road.What truck is nicer in your opinion a 2000 Land Rover discovery or a 2000 lincoln navigator?
land rover by farWhat truck is nicer in your opinion a 2000 Land Rover discovery or a 2000 lincoln navigator?
NavigatorWhat truck is nicer in your opinion a 2000 Land Rover discovery or a 2000 lincoln navigator?
this delima is mostly an issue of taste. Me personally I would go with the Land Rover. They have a much longer history with this type of SUV.
land rover.. more rare.. plus they're like sex on wheels
The land rover looks nicer and feels more solid. The navigator is a more comfortable ride
2000 lincoln navigator
Most def, the lincoln navigator...
Have to go with Land Rover. The Nav. is just a fancy ford
navi .land rover's are thought of as cool among a very small group of people.The rest of the population thinks it's the ugliest suv on the road.
Go for the lincoln the Land Rovers have too many problems.
definetely the navigator, its way more luxurious and has a way better name. i heard land rovers and range rovers are having alot of problems with their vehicles right now.
Land Rover because it was the original SUV before SUVs were cool (even though they've gotten fluffier since SUVs became cool). Navigators are just a big ostentatious excuse for the rich to pretend they're cool.
First, let's clear up a few things.

Land Rover is owned by Ford Motor Co. go to and youll see for yourself.

Lincoln, is also owned by Ford, as you would know if alive for the Informational Age.

The older Land Rovers have a bad reputation of vibrating for 50 feet after hitting a bump. But They have some of the best off roading capabilities. The Navigatior is huge and not fuel efficient. But if you equip it correctly, it is very Luxurious, (compares with the Escalade).

I am neutral, but if I got a brand new Land Rover, I would take it. If it was made before 2001, it is definetely a Navigator
If you are looking to buy either i would buy the one with the nearest new car dealer to your home. why you ask?

Because you will spend most of your free time in their service department!
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